How To Prepare For Summer • Kath Eats

I’m sharing my tips on how to prepare for summer, including staying cool, protecting your skin, and planning fun family activities.

Happy summer!

Summer officially starts this week and I’m here for it! Mazen and I are flying to San Diego this weekend to visit KK (her grandmother) and heading to Bald Head Island in August of this year. Lots of smaller events and fun in August!

Whether it’s a beach getaway, a backyard barbecue, or time at the pool, summer offers countless ways to enjoy the outdoors. The long days are filled with sunshine and warmth, a feeling of greater freedom from school routines and schedules, and opportunities to spend quality time with family and friends (our family trips to the beach are something I look forward to every anus).

By getting organized, you can ensure that your summer is not only full of fun and relaxation, but also free of unnecessary stress. From gathering the right gear to planning exciting activities, every little detail can enhance your summer experience. I’ve put together a simple checklist to prepare for a memorable, stress-free season, making sure you make the most of every sunny moment.

How to prepare for summer

1. Update your beauty routine.

With Beautycounter temporarily closed, I’m updating my beauty routine more than usual in the summer. I’ve been trying out other clean beauty brands, while trying to keep my routine as simple as possible. Summer beauty means all SPF and minimal makeup, for me. I live with a tinted moisturizer and SPF (I love the Ten Cent Wonder Display) and cream blush (This It’s so easy to apply). I love the new Crunchi mask since it does not stain in the summer heat.

2. Pack the pool bag.

We are excited for pool opening day as we spend a lot of time at our community pool all summer long. Our pool bag is ready to go with the best. turkish towelsswim safety glasses for the children, my favorite sun hat, Sunglasses, wet bags for wetsuits and more. I have my favorite bag and everything inside linked here.

3. Plan that summer trip.

Whether you’re preparing for a family road trip, opening weekends at the beach, or jetting somewhere new (my sister just saw Taylor Swift in England!), preparing for the trip Summer will be more than enough. it’s worth it. My best advice: use your credit card points to travel for free! I have a post here about how you can use Chase cards for hotels and flights and Capital One on more low-key trips like ferries and Airbnbs!

4. Go to Costco for outdoor dining and entertainment.

You never know when there might be an impromptu neighborhood potluck or block party, so I like to keep our pantry a little more stocked during the summer with chips, crackers, bulk condiments, and the like. Our beverage cooler is also fully stocked with NA beers, sodas, wines, and more. Don’t forget paper plates, napkins, cups and anything extra in case the party gets out of hand!

5. Stock up on safer sunscreen.

I’m terribly sad I couldn’t stock up on our favorite safest sunscreen this summer, but so far I’m impressed crunchy sunscreen and Supergoop It will be great for the whole family. I liked it a lot too Wonderful Dyed Dime Lampshade – a comparable change to Dew Skin (get 20% off with my code: KATHEATS).

6. Prepare for outdoor concerts.

Summer means it’s outdoor concert season! These are our favorite concert chairs and backpack cooler. This portable picnic table I’ve had it for YEARS and it’s great for concerts and picnics because it’s low to the ground and lightweight. Legs fold into an easy-to-carry bag!

7. Simply your meal plan.

We have been using blue apron for years for this very reason. I like to have 2 Blue Apron meals structured and delivered covering 4 nights a week. And then the other 3 nights we can use some produce from our garden (or my in-laws) and do something creative or use those nights to attend a cookout or go out to dinner. When we have this flexible dinner plan and can combine which days we do what, dinner time is not stressful. Plus, we’ll be cooking 3 nights and enjoying leftovers the other 3, so if we’re staying late at the pool, we’ll just heat up and eat!

There is a great promotion right now to get 30% discount the first 4 weeks of a new subscription!

8. Liven up your patio.

Dust off your patio furniture (literally!), so it’s ready for happy hours (it’s 5 o’clock somewhere)! Check out this post for my summer happy hour essentials.

9. Keep cool in summer sports leisure.

Athleta is my typical go-to for summer activewear that’s functional, but also stylish. My Trekkie North shorts and Birkenstocks They are essential for summer. I also love Carve Designs for summer things like the Cross Rashguard and Balinese shorts like my pool cover up (I wear size medium in both).

10. Stock the freezer with fruit for smoothies.

Summer = smoothie season! We make sure our freezer is stocked with tons of fruit so we can make healthy homemade smoothies when the craving hits. Here are my best smoothie tips and tricks.


What are you looking forward to this summer?

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