Illinois State University Professor Awarded $1.5 Million NSF Grant to Improve Science Education for Blind and Low-Vision Students

Dr. Natalie L. Shaheenassistant professor at Illinois State University, has received a significant National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Grant of more than $1.5 million to address inequities in science education for blind and low vision (BLV) students. This five-year grant, the department’s largest in 25 years, aims to improve accessibility in high school science classes, particularly those that use technology. Shaheen’s project involves researching educational disparities and developing case studies with teachers to create “baby-accessible” science classes. Additionally, the grant will help raise the profile of ISU’s unique undergraduate program for BLV specialists, bringing national attention to its innovative approach.

Shaheen emphasizes that while physical accessibility has improved with ramps, braille signage, and push-button doors, digital advances have paradoxically made K-12 education less accessible for BLV students. He notes that technology, often considered a universal benefit, can hinder BLV students’ learning, especially in science education, which has moved away from tactile methods like dissections and physical models to virtual simulations. Advocating for a return to hands-on learning, Shaheen advocates for proactive rather than reactive accessibility in education, where the burden of accommodation often unfairly falls on BLV students.

Her work is driven by her own experiences as a blind student who was discouraged from pursuing STEM studies due to the inaccessibility of education. Through her project, Shaheen aims to ensure that BLV students can fully participate in science without the added burden of negotiating access, allowing them to spend their time learning rather than adapting. By promoting proactive accessibility, he seeks to enable BLV students to take advantage of their exceptional problem-solving skills, skills that he believes make them excellent scientists.

Overall, Shaheen’s efforts not only seek to improve accessibility but also transform BLV people’s perceptions and opportunities in science. Her research and development of resources for teachers are steps toward a more equitable educational system where BLV students have the same opportunities in STEM careers as their sighted peers. By reducing the barriers that have historically limited BLV people in scientific careers, Shaheen’s work could have an exponential impact on the field, benefiting from the unique perspectives and skills of BLV people.

Fountain: Illinois State University, WGLT

chatGPT, a potential tool for greater accessibility, was used as a research and writing aid for this blog post. Do you think this is an appropriate use of chatGPT? Why or why not? Let me know!

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