8 Best Types of Food for Your Mood

Have you ever thought about what food can do for your mood? Beyond their taste, some “mood foods” can actually influence how you feel from the inside out.

“Food is a natural source of substances that have important effects on the nervous system,” he says. Ellen Albertson, PhD, RDN, NBC-HWC, psychologist and registered dietitian nutritionist based in Burlington, Vermont. “Certain foods, usually those rich in amino acids, are used to create chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, glutamate, GABA and norepinephrine) that affect mood.”

some research has suggested that eating whole foods, based on a modified Mediterranean diet (including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, eggs, some meat, and extra virgin olive oil) may be beneficial for mood.

On the contrary, while a pastry or chips may seem like the right food for your mood in this At the moment, they may actually be related to a decrease in mood.

“While a healthy diet can help maintain balance,” explains Albertson, too many processed foods and refined carbohydrates “can lead to blood sugar fluctuations that lead to mood swings, bad moods, lack of energy, and irritability,” along with a potential link to depression.

Here are eight mood foods you can add to your next grocery shopping spree.

1. Dark chocolate

Dark and powdered chocolate |  Mood food

Yes, your favorite food is on the list! Chocolate polyphenols (500 mg per day) have been shown to have a beneficial link in promoting “calm and contentment,” according to research published in Psychopharmacology Journal.

Chocolate can also help put you in a good mood by helping you connect with your partner, says Brocha Soloff, BS, RD, CDN, founder of iHeart Health. “Contains phenylethylaminewhich is a feel-good endorphin that is often released in the brain when people fall in love,” he says.

2. salmon

Salmon |  Mood food

In addition to helping with heart health, “adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids can also improve mood,” Albertson says. A review of research published in Translational psychiatry discovered that taking omega-3 can improve depressive symptoms. One of the tastiest ways to add more of this nutrient to your diet is by eating fatty fish like salmon.

Aim to consume at least eight ounces per week, depending on the recommendations of the Food Guides 2020-2025.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries |  Mood food

TO study demonstrated a correlation between drinking a beverage containing 30 grams (about an ounce) of freeze-dried blueberries and a positive mood. More research is needed, but this is definitely an interesting study that further supports the benefits of consistently eating blueberries, which even contain antioxidant-like properties.

Include blueberries (along with other flavonoid-rich berries such as blackberries and raspberries) in your diet as part of the 1½ to 2 cups of fruit is recommended you consume daily.

4 eggs

Eggs |  Mood food

Here’s some news that cites eggs: Eggs are “high in vitamin D and tryptophan, which creates serotonin,” Albertson says. Vitamin D and tryptophan They are believed to have beneficial effects on mood. The study that looked at tryptophan also looked at the gut-brain axis, so try pairing your eggs with a side of kimchi!

Other food sources of vitamin D include fatty fish such as salmon and fortified dairy products, while tryptophan, an amino acid, is found in protein foods such as chicken, egg whites, fish, milk and turkey.

5. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Three green leafy plants |  Mood food

Need another reason to eat more vegetables? Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale contain magnesium, which the body needs “to facilitate hormonal balance, enzyme activity, and the function of neurotransmitters that regulate mood and overall health,” it says. Soloff.

They are also a source of folate, and investigation suggests there may be a link with people with depressed moods and lower folate levels, so be sure to include dark leafy greens in your salad ingredient list.

6. Fermented foods

Yogurt |  Mood food

You may already be familiar with how probiotics and fermented foods are thought to have potential gut health benefits. But, as there is investigation Suggesting a strong link between the gut and the brain, eating fermented foods like yogurt, lacto-fermented pickles, and sauerkraut can also help your mood.

7. Citrus

Orange |  Mood food

“Vitamin C is Essential for the body’s ability to produce neurotransmitters., including dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin,” explains Soloff. “These neurotransmitters provide mood stability.”

Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, grapefruits and oranges are well-known sources of vitamin C, but foods such as broccoli, strawberries, peppers and even baked potatoes also contain this essential vitamin.

8. Whole grains

Whole Wheat Bread |  Mood food

Like dark leafy greens, whole grains are a source of magnesium, Soloff says, but the mood-boosting benefits don’t end there. Because they contain more fiber than their processed counterparts, whole grains are complex carbohydrates, which are believed to help stabilize blood sugar levels, thus preventing “crash.”

Choose whole grains instead of processed ones when selecting your carbohydrates each day.

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