Helping children express emotions in healthy ways

cChildren, like adults, experience a wide range of emotions, including sadness, anger, fear, frustration, and anxiety. But unlike us, they have yet to learn to express and articulate their feelings in a healthy way. And that can cause problems. Let’s go after the second part…

Therefore, from now on we must teach children how to handle difficult emotions without repressing them.

Those “problems”? If you’ve spent time with children, you know about tantrums, outbursts, social withdrawal, and other self-destructive behaviors.

As parents and caregivers, it is our responsibility to help our children understand and manage their difficult emotions. And that’s what the series is about.

In the first part we lay the foundation, discuss understanding children’s emotions and creating a safe place for emotional expression. We’ll conclude the series here with healthy ways to express difficult emotions, the power of play and storytelling, and leading by example.


Healthy ways to express difficult emotions

Repressed emotions are associated with a poorer social life, depressive symptomsand suicidal thoughts and attempts.

Besides, 2003 investigation related emotional invalidation in childhood to emotional inhibition in adulthood.

Emotional inhibition refers to suppressing or hiding emotions and trying to avoid certain thoughts, feelings, impulses or sensations that are connected to your emotions.

Inhibition of emotions was also related to symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Therefore, from now on we must teach children how to handle difficult emotions without repressing them. Processing and expressing emotions is necessary for children to self-regulate, which is the ability to manage their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

By learning to Process and manage difficult emotions in a healthy way.Children are better equipped to deal with stress and recover from setbacks.

Healthy ways to help children express their emotions

If we’re going to emphasize expressing emotions in healthy ways, we better have some ideas ready. Consider these…

Physical activity

Physical activity provides children with an outlet to release tension associated with difficult emotions. Regular exercise can also help them reduce stress levels and express emotions through movement.

TO study 2022 analyzed how physical activity affects the positive emotions of children and adolescents. The researchers found that youth who participated in physical activity showed significantly better mood compared to those who did not engage in physical activity.

Here are examples of physical activities that young people can try…

To play outdoors

Children will be able to play outdoors to release tension while enjoying the outdoors. They can run, jump or explore their environment.


Sports such as football, basketball, volleyball, swimming or martial arts allow children to channel their emotions into physical activity and learn skills such as teamwork and discipline.


Dancing is a good way to express happiness, excitement or even sadness. Kids can dance freestyle or sign up for dance and fitness classes.

conscious movement

Yoga teaches children to focus on breathing and body sensations, which helps with emotional regulation.

creative expression

Express emotions and transmit feelings.

Creative activities such as drawing, painting, writing, or storytelling can help children express their emotions and convey feelings that are difficult to express in conversation.

These outlets can be cathartic for children, allowing them to release repressed emotions in safe and constructive ways.

An example of a creative activity is clay art. When working with clay, children can have a sensory experience as they use sight and touch to work with the clay. The act of freely kneading, crushing, and shaping clay can help children release repressed emotions and promote relaxation.

Furthermore, clay art also offers a tangible and symbolic representation of their emotions, allowing them to express their feelings.

Here are more activities that children can try to express their creativity….

Draw or paint

Children can use a variety of art materials, experiment with different media, and use different art techniques to express their emotions.

keep a diary

Writing about their feelings, thoughts, and experiences can help children process their emotions in a written format. They may also write poetry or create stories that reflect their emotional state.

Music and composition

Children can write lyrics or improvise melodies that capture their feelings or the mood they are in.

Activities for different age groups.

There are age-appropriate activities that can provide children and teens with creative and expressive outlets to process difficult emotions…

Feeling faces for preschool children.

Activities for preschoolers should be simple and easy to understand. Hands-on, interactive activities are best for capturing their attention and piquing their interest.

An example is Feelings Faces. This activity can help children recognize and express their emotions. You will need photographs or drawings of faces with different emotions, which children can point to or imitate.

The main objective of this activity is to help very young children develop their emotional literacy.

Recording feelings for primary school children.

As children grow and develop, they may be ready for more complex activities that challenge their emotional awareness and self-expression.

One of those activities is Feelingswhere they can identify and express their emotions in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

This activity usually involves asking children to share how they feel and why. Allow them to express their emotions openly and honestly. During a feelings check-in, you can use questions like these to guide the discussion:

“How do you feel today?”
“What made you feel this way?”
“Can you describe your feelings using words?”

Circle of Mindfulness of Emotions for high school children

Choose activities that offer a level of complexity and depth appropriate for high school students. Activities should encourage critical thinking, self-reflection, and creative expression, while also being accessible and engaging. Incorporate opportunities for social interaction because middle school students value relationships with their peers and enjoy learning and creating together.

An example is the Circle of Mindfulness of Emotions. This is a group activity where children can do mindfulness exercises, breathing techniques and guided visualizations.

It can improve your self-awareness and promote relaxation and emotional regulation while fostering a sense of community.

Creative writing workshops for high school students

Middle school students value autonomy and independence, so provide opportunities for choice and self-directed exploration when choosing an activity.

Choose those that challenge your critical thinking and encourage deeper exploration. Group discussions, peer feedback sessions, and collaborative projects can also promote a sense of connection.

Creative writing workshops can be a great way for students to explore their emotions, experiences, and identity through poetry, stories, or essays.

They can choose their own writing prompts or try different writing techniques.

The power of play and storytelling

From a very young age, children use play and storytelling as a means to express themselves and explore the world around them. These allow them to use their innate curiosity, creativity and imagination.

There is investigation which looks at how children’s pretend play and interactions with parents are associated with their ability to regulate their emotions. The researchers found that children who played pretend more frequently, especially with their caregivers, regulated their emotions better.

You can support children’s play and storytelling by actively participating in activities with them. Make sure children have access to different materials, toys, books and accessories that inspire imaginative play and storytelling adventures.

Lead by example

Children learn best by looking at what is around them. You can show your child that it is okay to express emotions openly and honestly by modeling healthy emotional expression.

Share your feelings with them and show them how to deal with them appropriately.

Remember that you are not alone and you can always seek help from trusted family, friends, support groups, or a qualified professional if you need help supporting your child’s emotional expression.

It doesn’t improve much

This is a summary of the series, friends. I hope you enjoyed it. And most important of all, you may have found an idea or two that you can bring to your child or teen’s world.

There is nothing better than that.

If you haven’t done so yet, delve into the first part: Helping children express their emotions in a healthy way

Be sure to check out Michael’s work at Children’s mental health center.

And don’t forget Chipur’s inspirational and informative article titles.

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