Somavedic review + does it actually do anything?

I share a review of Somavedic device, how it works and how we are liking it so far. If you want to get your own, use this link and the code FITNESSISTA for a 10% discount.

Hello friends! How is the morning gong? I hope you had an amazing weekend. We celebrated Mother’s Day and also had a delicious dinner with friends.

For today’s post, I wanted to share a review of something we’ve been using for the past few weeks: The Somavedic. TBH, I had been eyeing one for years (I know Dr. Cabral uses one too and I always like his recommendations), so I was very excited when they offered to give me one. It is absolutely wonderful and I have noticed a difference since we started using it.

I’m going to share a full review in today’s blog post and if you’re interested in trying it out, you can check it here and use code FITNESSISTA for 10% off.

Somavedic review + does it really do anything?

In recent years, the Somavedic device has gained popularity in the holistic wellness space. But what exactly is Somavedic? Does it live up to expectations?

Today I wanted to talk about what Somavedic is, how it works, and share some pros and cons now that we’ve been using it for a while.

What is Somavedic?

somavedic is a device that emits subtle energy frequencies intended to harmonize the environment and counteract the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMF), geopathic stress, and other environmental pollutants.

The device is designed to create a coherent field that supports the body’s natural ability to maintain balance and vitality. Each device is handmade and touched by 10 different people in the process. When I opened the box I was surprised by how pretty it is.

How does Somavedic work?

Somavedic uses a combination of ancient knowledge and modern technology to achieve its effects.. In essence, the device contains a mixture of minerals, gemstones and other natural materials carefully selected for their energetic properties. These materials interact with environmental energy fields, transforming harmful frequencies into beneficial ones.

Furthermore, it is assumed that Somavedic structured water, improving its quality and bioavailability. Water structuring involves rearranging the molecular arrangement of water molecules to create a more organized and coherent structure. This structured water is believed to have improved hydration properties, better absorption by cells, and greater bioenergetic effects. Somavedic achieves water structuring through its unique technology, which emits frequencies that interact with the molecular structure of water, promoting coherence and balance. By incorporating structured water into your daily routine, you can experience greater vitality and overall well-being.

At night, I will place a glass of water next to the Somavedic. When I drink it in the morning, the texture is completely different; It is milder and has a slightly sweeter flavor.

Advantages of Somavedic:

EMF protection:

Somavedic is best known for its ability to neutralize the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices.

Better well-being and sleep:

Many users report feeling more energetic, focused, and grounded after using Somavedic.

Easy to use:

Simply plug in the device and let it do its magic. No complicated setup or maintenance required. It took me forever to open the package because I thought I would have to go through a long setup process and it literally took me 10 seconds. Simply choose the type of outlet you need and plug it in.

Long lasting:

With proper care, Somavedic can provide benefits for years to come, making it a worthwhile investment. I also like that you only need one for your entire house; It can travel 100 feet in each direction and is recommended to be stored in the “heart of the house,” which for us is the kitchen. 🙂

Scientific findings:

I was very curious to see if the benefits were purely anecdotal or if they had any studies to back it up. They have a whole science page on site, with studies supporting potential benefits for eyes, cell phone radiation reduction, sleep, mood, cardiovascular and nervous system health, and heart rate variability.

Cons of Somavedic:


The initial investment in a Somavedic device may be prohibitive for some people.

Subjective experience:

The benefits of Somavedic are subjective and may vary from person to person.

Ultimately, Somavedic offers a promising approach to improving well-being by harmonizing the environment and mitigating the effects of modern stressors. While the device may not be a panacea for all health problems, many users find value in its ability to promote a sense of balance and vitality.

My personal thoughts and review:

I’m one of those people who thinks, “If it doesn’t hurt at all and it might help, I want to try it.” I was curious to see if she noticed any difference.

I’m quite sensitive to electromagnetic fields, which is one of the many reasons I don’t sleep as well on planes and in hotels. I feel like the Wifi signals are so strong that it makes me restless and I can’t fully relax. This is a big reason why I turn off the WiFi at night in our house. (You can read more about EMF and how it can affect you here.) Electromagnetic fields are a form of pollution and a stress factor for our body. I’ve been learning more and trying to minimize our exposure as much as possible, especially for the kids.

Since I started using the somavedicI feel more centered and calm during the day, but the biggest change has been my sleep. I started having deep and vivid dreams since we started using it. I think dreams are fascinating and I used to not remember any of them when I woke up. Now I remember them and it’s fun to unpack when I wake up hahaha.

I also believe in the structuring aspect of water. The water tastes different after sitting next to the Somavedic overnight and I even compared it to fresh filtered water.

Somavedic discount code:

If you are curious about Somavedic and its potential benefits, it may be worth exploring further. As with any wellness product, it is essential to consider your individual needs and consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your routine.

You can check it here and use code FITNESSISTA for 10% off.

Have an amazing day and see you soon!

hugs and kisses


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