A new book based on compassion and mindfulness aims to help with those moments of panic
It’s not often you see the words “conscious” and “crazed” in the same sentence, much less think of them as behaviors that can work together. But ADAA member Eric Goodman, PhD, in his latest book, posits, rightly, that there will always be times when we feel or sense that we need to “freak out” and that we can actually do so consciously.
The Mindful Freak-Out: A Rescue Manual for Being at Your Best When Life is at Its Worst reminds us that whether we suffer from a mental health disorder like anxiety or panic disorder, or simply feel overwhelmed, distressed, or out of control, “freaking out” is a natural response that we can learn to regulate.
Dr. Goodman says Tconscious panic arose from his concern about the collective struggles and distress that people around the world were going through during COVID. In an emotionally charged and extremely challenging time, the pandemic, especially in regards to responding to threats and how we act and react in a time of distress, tested our emotions. It’s no wonder so many of us panicked, suffered from anxiety, or allowed our threat instincts to override our values and rational thinking.
“I originally intended to write a book for people struggling with panic attacks, but then COVID hit,” the California-based psychologist said. “People were fighting collectively, hoarding objects, acting irrationally, panicking, and rates of suicide and substance abuse increased.”
The author and clinician told ADAA that the impact of the pandemic led him to work on a more compassion-focused acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) approach to responding to highly distressing moments or situations. Written for the general public, conscious panic It differs from other books on ACT in its compassion-based approach and how the author weaves the principles of compassion-focused therapy (CFT) into his practice. What does that mean for the customer?
“The goal is not only to have the psychological flexibility to choose a values-based response to a difficult moment, but also to actively work to alleviate the client’s suffering at the same time,” says Dr. Goodman, noting that compassion helps change a mentality that moves from threat to care, which can have “enormous biological and interpersonal implications.”
It is easy and common for our primitive “threat system” to take control when we are afraid or distressed and we could find ourselves saying or doing something we later regret. Dr. Goodman gives the example of an angry couple yelling at each other during a disagreement.
“Would someone, in a moment of calm, rational thought, select that behavior as a way to persuade their loved one of something? Or when someone feels very anxious and runs away from a desired social activity or stays while clenching their muscles and holding their breath? he asks, reminding us that we choose these behaviors for ourselves, not for ourselves.
By using ACT strategies focused on compassion, Dr. Goodman believes we can regain control of our lives when difficult times arise. Learning to get off autopilot is possibly the most important concept in mental health and wellness, he says.
Order conscious panic here.
Step by step, little by little, your child can handle it, new book shows
With children and mental health, we know that the sooner a parent or caregiver intervenes, the better the outcome for the child. All children have moments of fear, concern and avoidance, especially when faced with new things and situations. But a child with anxiety or a diagnosed anxiety disorder will find it even more challenging, causing more stress and worry for parents.
ADAA member Kathryn Boger, PhD, ABPP, has dedicated her career to working with children who have anxiety. You’ve seen how helpful it can be to plant the seed, early on, about the importance of children taking steps to confront the things they fear rather than avoiding them and the need for parents and caregivers to have language and tools to support their children. in the process.
Co-founder and clinical director of Health at a brisk paceADAA member, Dr. Boger says her children’s picture book, Step by Step, is intended to be engaging for children and their parents and at the same time educational. He told ADAA that he wanted to write a fun picture book that would send the message that, little by little, children can and should do things that are new and scary to them so that their brains learn that they can handle them. The book provides a saying or mantra to reinforce this concept.
“I included a mantra throughout the book to make it stick,” the author said, “and I periodically hear my own children repeat it to them. “That gives me hope that other kids will do the same.”
Related to the title and main character of the book, the mantra “Step by step, little by little, Sam learns he can handle it” is helpful, easy to remember, and offers children a fun way to insert their own name into the book. message and empower yourself.
“Scary or overwhelming situations can be broken down into small steps to make them feel more manageable,” adds Dr. Boger, “and parents can support children by providing a combination of empathy and encouragement. Sam and his mom model this in the book.”
Step by Step Their parents or caregivers can read to children. It can also be used by teachers, therapists or any other professional who supports children as they try things that seem new and scary to them.
Order Step by Step here.
BFRB Recovery with a New Workbook Using Compassion and Evidence-Based Science
A new book written by two ADAA members aims to empower individuals and professionals to navigate the complexities of body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) with empathy and confidence, while fostering greater understanding, self-compassion, and psychological flexibility.
He BFRB Recovery Workbook By Marla Deibler, PsyD, ABPP and Renae Reinardy, PsyD is a strengths-based, step-by-step guide for older teens and adults looking for a BFRB self-help toolkit. The book, which is also a comprehensive resource for clinicians to provide cutting-edge, evidence-based support to their clients living with a BFRB, was a labor of love for the two psychologists. Drs. Deibler and Reinardy, who have specialized in BFRB for more than two decades, were motivated to write this book by their passion for improving treatment outcomes and overall quality of life for those living with BFRB.
“Our hope is that readers will embrace the pursuit of a full and meaningful life on their journey to recovery and beyond,” the authors told ADAA. “This guide facilitates self-reflection and encourages people to approach their BFRBs with curiosity and self-compassion, rather than fight and resistance.”
BFRBs, such as hair pulling, nail biting, and skin picking, can be harmful both mentally and physically and are indicative of complex experiences, psychologists add. His book offers an innovative, cohesive, and self-directed approach to improving quality of life by changing the relationship with BFRB experiences and expanding tools to manage behaviors more effectively.
“They (BFRBs) are both signals and responses: signals that there are internal discomforts and responses to try to manage those discomforts,” Dr. Deibler said. “These attempts at self-regulation are effective in the short term, but they further reinforce the behavioral cycle in the long term.”
The BFRB Recovery Workbook brings together the behavioral strategies with the greatest empirical support from both traditional cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and third wave therapies: contemporary therapies such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT).
The authors want to help readers/users of the guide see their experiences as opportunities for growth, allowing them to confront their discomforts and impulses with self-compassion and flexibility. By having these skills, BFRB experts believe that those who suffer from repetitive body-focused behaviors can manage not only their experiences, but also improve the way they relate to themselves and the world around them.
“Freeing yourself from this pattern lies in the willingness to change your relationship with your BFRB experiences,” Dr. Reinardy said.
Order The BFRB Recovery Workbook here.