How young people on the front lines of mental health are making a difference (and what you can do to help!)

When I think about young people in the US, the first thing I think of is not the young people who use their voices to advocate for mental health accessibility and systemic reform. Thanks to members of Mental Health America’s Youth Policy Accelerator (YPA), I have learned that young people are not only aware of the current challenges in mental health care, but have also found real solutions.

The YPA 2023 cohort is made up of ten advocates aged 18-25 who have led inspiring mental health policy initiatives. Each member has a story full of passion, ambition and courage that they use to transform mental health resources in their communities. More importantly, they recognize the importance of mental health policy change in improving the lives of their peers and shaping the lives of subsequent generations.

Their knowledge and understanding, driven by their lived experiences as young people, have led them to use their voices and enter spaces that historically excluded young people.

Using personal challenges to reinvent youth support by young people

With a wide range of experiences and identities, YPA members’ stories demonstrate how damaging a lack of resources can be to the mental health and overall development of young people. While each member has a unique experience, the key theme in all of their stories is that they were forced to go through everything alone and without proper support. Although they did not initially have access to peer support programs, they recognized the value of having someone with whom they could identify and share life experiences. In the absence of resources, they decided to expand the reach of evidence-based practices, such as peer support, and ensure that young people had better access to mental health care generally in a variety of areas and spaces.

Change the spaces and systems that serve young people

Young people spend much of their time in schools, and YPA member Isabel Ohakamma noted the negative effects she and her peers faced during COVID-19 quarantine efforts. She recognized the need for support within her immediate environment and used her voice to encourage change within her school. As a result, she helped create a social club for classmates that encouraged various activities to promote communication and camaraderie. Isabel’s activity club even included the participation of school counselors who offered their services to group participants at no cost.

For other members, like Tianna Celis-Webster, personal involvement with multisystem care has given them a unique opportunity to promote system-wide reform. Tianna’s involvement in multiple systems at a young age opened her eyes to the experiences of other young people in similar positions. She now she works within systems with EPIC ‘Ohana Inc. advocate for other youth involved in the foster care system.

Creating community support networks.

YPA members have also led initiatives to make support available outside of schools and made changes to the system to ensure young people can receive support where and when they want it. For example, Trace Terrell struggled with depression and suicidal ideation before he began volunteering for Youth Line (a crisis support line for teens) at the age of fourteen. His work as a caring listener helped him understand the importance of peer support, which ultimately led him to understand the full scope of the public health issues facing many of his peers.

In Colorado, Aimee Resnick witnessed the devastating effects of a lack of mental health support when one of her peers committed suicide at a young age. Wanting to take action to prevent future tragedies, she turned to policy to make a difference. Through her leadership and collaboration with others, she helped overcome HB22-1052, Promotion of crisis services for students. This bill requires student IDs in Colorado to include information about crisis resources, giving students knowledge that there are places they can go when they are struggling.

Advancing diversity and equity in mental health resources

Saiarchana Darira grew up in an area that lacked diversity and therefore cultural awareness. Her experience with mental health support often involved feelings of disconnection and isolation because mental health providers did not understand her background and identity. By advocating for the diversification and cultural education of the mental health workforce, she has been a voice for young people who feel misunderstood due to their cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Additionally, she has been a leader in climate activism and has used her training as a meditation instructor to Support young people facing eco-anxiety..

Take or make space for young people to sit at the table

Young people continue to demonstrate that they are capable of participating in policy and advocacy. They have the knowledge and understanding of what it takes to make lasting fundamental changes that empower themselves and their peers. If you are a young person, know that you belong in all the spaces where decisions are made about young people’s mental health. If you are an adult ally, you can take advantage of your power so that the leadership demonstrated by YPA members and other young people becomes the norm, not the exception.

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