The BRAT Diet • Kath Eats

Some life lately, even when I had to do the BRAT diet.

Kath follows the BRAT diet

If you follow my Instagram Storiesyou know our house was hit with a terrible horrible stomach virus last weekend. It hit me a week ago on Sunday and I was up all night with terrible GI symptoms. I could barely move on Monday morning! Then, on Monday afternoon, Birch vomited for the first time in his life. He had no idea what was going on and it was very sad. By some miracle, he only vomited twice, the second time it was just water. And Thomas and Mazen lived separate lives for a few days while I whitewashed the entire basement. So far they have not succeeded. I haven’t been this sick in a decade since I had something similar when Mazen was a baby. Yuck!!

Sweet Birch woke up asking for applesauce the next day and I explained the BRAT diet to her: bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. The rest of the day, every time she asked for something, she would ask me if she was “on her list.” I offered her a lollipop and she said “but mom, that’s not on my list!” It was very cute.

Thanks to our neighbors for sending us applesauce and ginger ale!! It took me most of last week to eat normally again.

I ate a lot of breakfast foods and smoothies because the idea of ​​salad was disgusting!

I went to Playa Bowls with friends for lunch:

Mazen and I walked downtown to get chicken noodle and potato soups for me and pizza for him!

Epic spring weather!

We finally have some wonderful spring weather!!!! I can’t stress how nice it has been to be outside and not be cold. We have been playing soccer, four square and newcomb in the yard!

Tell me you have five without telling me 🙂

Look at that good boy enjoying the sun:

Brother time playing golf

The boys have started playing golf together, which I love! Mazen decided not to play baseball this year, so he returned to golf (he did the OP 36 program at Birdwood a year ago). When they played 9 holes last weekend, it was great! Golf could be his thing, which makes Thomas’ heart sing because Thomas LIVES FOR GOLF! Ha ha. Birch is learning something too.

While they were playing golf, I was at a baby event!

That cake was 100!

The return of bubble tea

Bubble tea is an expensive and sugary habit, but kids love it! We haven’t really been all winter, so we went on a warm day and picked up a trio of mango slushies.

My order is a Winter Melon, medium sweet, with a layer of milk foam and regular bubbles. It’s so good… until it’s not. Like scallops, I can’t tolerate much. Maybe it’s the texture of both?

Geometric bath towel

Geometry She sent me one of her bath towels after I complimented the hand towels I bought for the kitchen. It’s thin like a Turkish towel and the texture is great! They would be great to pack in beach or pool bags, and are also very pretty to hang. We are using it for the kids in their bathroom (since we have our S+L towels We love it up!)


We were finally able to test the pun I bought with some friends who came. It was so funny! You really need four players. One person is the “host” and comes up with a word and then drops it on the green and yellow tiles. The other three are the ones who guess. We didn’t really keep score round after round, but the winner of each round got a high five!

Let’s move on to another puzzle: Sloths!

I think it’s very interesting that our dining room table has been converted into a game table. When we were coming up with the design for our renovation and were in the stages where we could have created a new room to convert into a dining room, we didn’t know what we would use this space for. A card table was set up, but I didn’t think we would use it. I made a mistake! This ended up being a win-win because it’s still the dining room, but now it’s also the puzzle and Lego table. While I’m not crazy about having things on the table at all times, it’s so convenient and useful that I’ve gotten used to it.

Thursday fun day

Went with friends from the acac to Southern Crescent for some gumbo and sazerac!

Spring haircuts!

One for you…

One for me!

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