Author: University of Virginia
Published: 2024/03/06
Post type: Analysis of research/studies – Peer Reviewed: Yeah
Content: Summary – Major – Related Posts
Synopsis: Researchers studied whether nonverbal autistic people react to letters, words, and sentences in the same way as literate, non-autistic people. Society has traditionally assumed that people who cannot speak cannot understand language or learn to read or write. With appropriate instruction and support, it may be possible to leverage these skills to provide access to written forms of communication as an alternative to speech.
Main summary
Approximately one third of autistic people cannot communicate through speech and most are never provided with an effective alternative. However, a new study by scientists at the University of Virginia suggests that many of these people are literate, raising the possibility that they could learn to express themselves through writing.
The study published in the journal Autism, reports that five times more non-speaking autistic adolescents and adults demonstrated knowledge of written language conventions than would be expected based on previous estimates of their abilities. The finding has important implications for the millions of autistic people around the world who have little or no speech and are often assumed to be incapable of literacy.
“If we assume that someone who can’t speak doesn’t understand, that limits the doors we open for them; we may not even try to find out what they understand,” said Vikram Jaswal, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia. and the lead author of the study. “Our study shows that the language, learning and literacy abilities of nonverbal autistic people have been seriously underestimated.”
The researchers addressed a fundamental question about literacy: whether or not nonverbal autistic people react to letters, words, and sentences in the same way as literate, non-autistic people.
Jaswal’s team developed a method similar to the arcade game Whac-a-Mole, which required participants to tap letters displayed on a tablet as soon as they lit up. In some cases, the letters lit up in sequences that spelled out phrases that participants had previously heard out loud, and in other cases the letters lit up in meaningless sequences. The research team, which included Ph.D. Candidate Kayden Stockwell and recent graduate Andrew Lampi hypothesized that a literate person, who knows how to spell and can convert speech into written form, can predict the next letter in a sentence they have heard aloud even before seeing that letter light up. . . Consequently, they might be expected to respond faster to sentences than to nonsense sequences. Jaswal’s team found that more than half of the sample group of 31 non-verbal autistic participants responded the same way a literate individual would.
According to Jaswal, the results are surprising because they show that, although most of the study participants had not received formal literacy instruction, many had developed an understanding of how written language works.
“Society has traditionally assumed that people who cannot speak cannot understand language or learn to read or write,” Jaswal said.
“But our findings suggest that many nonverbal autistic people have fundamental literacy skills. With the right instruction and support, it may be possible to harness these skills to provide access to written forms of communication as an alternative to speech. Learning to express yourself through through writing “to open up educational, employment, and social opportunities that historically have not been given access to nonverbal autistic people.”
“This is cutting-edge research with enormous potential for impact,” said Christa Acampora, dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
“We are truly fortunate to have Professor Jaswal and leading graduate students such as Kayden Stockwell and Andrew Lampi in the university’s research community. Together, they are asking important questions and their discovery will have life-changing consequences for many.”
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This peer-reviewed publication from our Autism Information section was selected for distribution by Disabled World editors because of its likely interest to readers in our disability community. Although content may have been edited for style, clarity, or length, the article “Research uncovers surprising literacy skills in non-verbal autistic individuals” was originally written by the University of Virginia and submitted for publication on 03/06/2024. If you require further information or clarification, you may contact the University of Virginia at virginia.edu website. Disabled World makes no warranties or representations in connection therewith.
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Cite this page (APA): University of Virginia. (2024, March 6). Research uncovers surprising literacy skills in non-verbal autistic people. Disabled world. Retrieved March 7, 2024 from www.disabled-world.com/health/neurology/autism/literacy-skills.php
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