Study Looks At Impact of Family-Friendly Design On Dying Patients

Including a comfortable and functional space for visitors to gather in a hospital patient room is a priority for many design teams, but real evidence on the effects of these efforts is hard to find, a new study suggests.

Researchers from Denmark attempted to address this gap in the study “The Impact of a Family Hospital: A Patient Perspective,” published in Journal of Healthcare Research and Design (HERD).

The study, authored by Dorte Buchwald, Ditte Buchwald and Dorte Melgaard of Northern Denmark Regional Hospital, focused on adult cancer patients receiving end-of-life care in hospitals.

Research data collection

The patients interviewed for the research were all parents of children aged 0 to 18 who were offered (and accepted) the opportunity to stay in a family room with cozy furniture, a large screen television, games consoles and space for visitors could enjoy. comfortable.

The 39 participants were asked three open-ended questions: (1) What was your experience like staying in the furnished room? (2) Can you tell me how your children experienced the changes? and (3) What did the new room mean to you as a family?

Importance of family space in hospitals

Analysis of the responses revealed that family rooms made it easier for children to visit their sick parents and helped families maintain their relationships.

“A hospitalized sick parent has a natural place in the hospital, while his or her family may find it difficult and uncomfortable,” the study says. “The entire family experiences insecurity and anxiety during hospitalization.”

Creating a comfortable space with in-room activities can mean a lot to patients, as a father of two children, ages 10 and 13, described in his interview. “I just enjoy having them around me, even if I’m resting and listening to them,” he said.

The full study is available for Sanitary design readers reading from February 1 to April 1 in this link.

For previous HERD studies, read here.

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