Congressional Briefing: Preventing HPV-Related Cancers Through Vaccination and Screening

Cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), including cervical, throat, head, neck, anal, penile and vaginal cancers, remain a major public health problem in the United States. USA. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide and there will be an estimated 4,300 cervical cancer deaths in the US in 2023.

Fortunately, in addition to essential testing and early treatment, there is an HPV vaccine that protects against the types of HPV that cause most cervical and other HPV-associated cancers. This vaccine represents an important advance as it offers primary prevention against the infectious agent that is the main cause of HPV-related cancers. Data show that the HPV vaccine could prevent more than 90% of cancers caused by HPV.

Despite the demonstrated success of HPV screening and vaccination, vaccination and testing rates are still below national targets and have only worsened during the pandemic.

Join our Congressional Briefing: Preventing HPV-Related Cancers Through Vaccination and Screening to learn how the HPV vaccine, early detection and treatment are powerful tools to help eradicate several types of cancer and what actions Congress can take to help achieve greater adoption of these modalities across the country.

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