Approximately 1 in 10 people over 65 years of age suffer from Alzheimer’s. And almost 2 out of 3 are women.
Alzheimer’s disease begins years before symptoms appear and slowly worsens.
At first, symptoms may not be noticeable, but they worsen over time.
Once diagnosed, people with Alzheimer’s live an average of 4 to 8 years, but can live up to 20 years.
Pay attention to small changes.
Some early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s:
Memory loss
Challenges or problems with family tasks.
Lost items
Social isolation
Humor changes
do not be late
If you notice any changes in memory or thinking, don’t assume it’s a normal sign of aging. They may be. But they could be the first signs of Alzheimer’s.
Early diagnosis = better results
Alzheimer’s medications may help some people, especially when taken at the first sign of changes in memory or thinking.
Less cognitive impairment at diagnosis is related to longer life expectancy.
Early diagnosis = more treatment options
Treatment options change as the disease progresses. Newer treatments depend on early and accurate diagnosis because they are not effective at a later stage.
Two types of Alzheimer’s medications
Early stage treatments: slow disease progression
These medications bind to and remove beta-amyloid from the brain.
Beta-amyloid is a protein that clumps together to form sticky plaques in the brain, causing brain cells to die.
But these types of medications only work for a while. As the disease worsens, brain damage becomes irreversible. Treatments can no longer slow down the pace.
Late-stage treatment: helps control symptoms
These medications include:
Early treatment is possible
Alzheimer’s can be diagnosed earlier than ever. An early diagnosis can ensure that you get the best possible treatment options.
Don’t wait: Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
This educational resource was created with the support of Eli Lilly and Company, a member of the HealthyWomen 2023 Corporate Advisory Council.