A fireside chat

tThe Christmas noise has diminished. But the New Year festivities are just a few days away and the noise is returning. Well, at least we have a few days to look for our marbles, which is huge for the people in our danger zone. Let’s roast marshmallows and chat by the fire…

You might say, “I guess I have no choice, Bill.” Actually, yes you do. You can choose to do nothing about your circumstances…’

When producing an emotional and mental health site, the thing to do this time of year is encourage readers to create and achieve resolutions.

Then, you have to inspire and motivate them to work hard in their quest for knowledge and healing.

Obligation met.

Sure, I want those things for you. I want them for myself, even though I’m not particularly fond of resolutions. But the fake “Go get ’em, tiger.” bit not my style.

The chat

I’ll go first…

I’ve been on this planet for 69 years and have danced with anxiety and mood symptoms for the vast majority of them. Even cutting a rug with alcohol dependency and recovery.

There were times when I was so dazed and lost that not only did I not know how to get out of the forest, I didn’t even know it was possible, so I would abandon the fantasy and move on.

Have you felt like this? Maybe now?

Your pain

Keep in mind that you would have no right to address your pain if you had not lived with it for decades. But I’ve done it, so I’ll do it.

No matter how horrible and desperate you perceive your circumstances to be, they are manageable and you can go on to live a meaningful, productive, and powerful life. Don’t tell me you can’t.

And what is needed?

Well, parts of acceptance, vision, curiosity, creativity, advice, empathy, resolve, resilience, insight, and love. And with a few exceptions, anything else you can muster.

Absolutely, you can do it.


You might say, “Well, I guess I don’t have a choice, Bill.” Actually, yes you do. You can choose to do nothing about your circumstances and watch your life wither like that once beautiful and vital plant that no one watered.

Bluntly, a suicide attempt is not always a physical act.

Don’t be careless on the edge of a cliff. Roll up your sleeves, think about what you want and go after it.

Your turn to speak, I’m listening.

Wishing you the best for the new year. And thank you for being a Chipur reader throughout 2023.


Would you like to read some inspirational articles and information on mental and emotional health from Chipur? Go ahead and read the titles carefully.


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