Top 5 Ways a Therapist Can Help You Overcome Depression

Throughout our lives, the word “Depression” may have rung in our ears a thousand times, right? One in two people talk about how they are going through a phase or have gone through a phase where everything seems boring and sad, and how they have lost interest in things they used to enjoy, these are common symptoms of depression.

In fact, depression is a serious mental disorder that affects millions of people around the world. According to the World Health OrganizationAbout 5% of the total adult population suffers from depression and it can happen to anyone at any age.

Fortunately, it is also one of the highly treatable mental disorders and almost 80 to 90 percent of people recover from this condition. Among other treatments, therapy is one of the most effective and there are many qualified therapists for depression.

So, with that in mind, let’s explore the ways a therapist can help you overcome depression.

5 types of therapy for depression


Therapists who treat depression use many therapeutic techniques to help the patient overcome depression and some of the most effective and well-known therapies are mentioned below.

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Our habit of negative thinking contributes to the development of depression; CBT is a form of psychotherapy in which a depression therapist helps people by teaching them to identify negative and harmful thought patterns and change these thoughts to positive ones.

Unlike other psychotherapies, CBT does not aim to discover the root cause of the person’s problem, but instead focuses on how our thinking affects our emotions and behavior. Changing the way you think can help manage emotions, thus altering behavior in a specific situation.

2. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a subcategory of CBT that combines the elements of CBT and mindfulness. However, unlike CBT, DBT primarily focuses on helping you accept and recognize your negative habits and thoughts while teaching you how to change the behavior that contributes to your depression.

3. Behavioral Activation (BA)


Have you ever noticed that when you do a certain activity it influences your mood, right? For example, playing games can make you emotional, or listening to sad or happy songs can make you happy or unhappy.

Although, behavioral activation It is identical to the aforementioned therapies and focuses on your thinking and behavior; At the same time, it also involves greater participation in certain activities that give you a sense of pleasure, achievement, and social connection. It is also one of the best therapies to improve mood and thus gradually get out of the state of depression.

4. Interpersonal therapy

If a person experiences depression due to family problems, loss of loved ones, or relationship problems, then interpersonal therapy could be the answer.

Interpersonal therapy focuses on how relationships with others influence one’s behavior and feelings and helps people understand how these relationships may contribute to depression. Additionally, therapy also equips the patient with skills to address and resolve relationship problems.

5. Psychodynamic therapy

Psychodynamic therapy It is one of the most popular forms of therapy, thanks to its depictions and influence in many popular films such as Ordinary People, Good Will Hunting and Equus; where the patient and the psychiatrist talk about the past and try to find a link with the patient’s current situation.

Also in real life, psychodynamic therapy focuses on establishing a connection with the past to identify the root causes of the current state of depression. It is a type of talk therapy designed to help people understand how they became depressed.

How do therapists help you with depression?


Therapists who treat depression play an important role in guiding you back to your life, offering various forms of support and assistance in dealing with depression through scientifically proven methods. Here are some crucial responsibilities a therapist plays in your journey.

initial evaluation

The most important thing a therapist does is perform an initial assessment to understand your current situation, background, and other goals. A detailed understanding of these factors helps the therapist evaluate your mental health condition and emotional state and accordingly plan a therapy that works for you.

Treatment plan

Once initial information is gathered, a therapist will work closely with you to design a set of goals for your personal and emotional growth. Depending on your condition, these goals could be short-term or long-term.

Establish a therapeutic relationship

Establishing and maintaining a healthy therapeutic relationship with clients is one of the most important duties of therapists. This creates a comfortable and supportive environment for customers to express their concerns, thereby building trust and rapport.

Help you learn more about yourself


When you are in a session with a therapist you are not only telling your story, but you are also learning some new things about yourself. Whether they are personal, social, or family issues, a therapist helps you understand and address these concerns.

Evaluate progress

A therapist constantly evaluates your progress toward the set goal which includes your emotional, behavioral, and thought processes.

Better health

As you progress through the therapy sessions, your mental and emotional condition improves, allowing you to focus much better on your health, thus improving your physical condition.

Improve coping skills

One of the main functions of therapists who treat people with depression is to educate them about effective coping strategies and teach them how to develop a positive thinking pattern.

Bottom line

Depression is a disturbed state of mind and if ignored, can make life difficult not only for the individual but for the entire family. However, by seeing the right therapist for depression, you will not only be beating depression but also improving all aspects of your life, including mental, physical, emotional, personal, social and general well-being.

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