In desperate times, 10 reasoned measures

dDoes it really make sense? “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” That’s like saying if you’re having a panic attack, take an Adderall and lock yourself in a closet. It’s not easy, but in desperate times calm and reason can work wonders.

When we feel overwhelmed by desperate times, don’t you think we need a new mindset and response?

It could be because of our emotional and mental health, family life, relationships, economy, frenetic pace…

Desperate times can turn our lives into hell. And when it begins to subside, thoughts of calm and reason are often drowned out by full-throttle hysteria.

“Do desperate times call for desperate measures?”

Well, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Wise advice if an 18-wheeler is coming your way. However, beyond our fight/flight response, it doesn’t make much sense.

You see, unless we are divinely protected, we are likely to experience moments of great despair. And with them will come the false belief that all hope is gone.

But you know what? Calamity does not have to be perceived and responded to as if it were an asteroid impact. However, that can only happen if it is managed well.

10 reasoned measures

In anticipation of the next dance in desperate times, let us unite with some reasoned measures…

  1. Take a breath or two and observe the true situation, leaving aside cognitive distortions and hysteria.
  2. If we have a relationship with a spiritual power, it’s time to chat. And why not feel the trust and strength that comes with such a relationship? By the way, if we don’t have one, maybe it’s time to get to work.
  3. Confirm and hold on to who we know we are. And if there are doubts, what better time to set the record straight?
  4. Allow circumstances and response to evolve. Working hard to achieve a resolution doesn’t mean we have to control every detail.
  5. Ask others for help. And if our contact list is blank, it’s time to add some names.
  6. Believe that we are facing the best possible opportunity for learning and growth.
  7. Feel good about the character we are building.
  8. Know that things are very likely not as bad and desperate as we think.
  9. What a great time to understand and respond to the suffering of others.
  10. It is crucial to deeply believe that we will not perish.

A bonus #11: The result is as expected.

So what do you think? I’m sure you can think of more.

Like you

Like you, I have known desperate times…

Times when things seemed so bleak for so long that I really wondered if life was worth living. Times when it took every ounce of strength to get out of bed and face another day. Moments where my spiritually barren and broken soul begged for some version of a higher power to step in and bring me comfort. Times when the concept of “tomorrow” was not conceivable.

You know?

Keeping the spirit alive

When we feel overwhelmed by desperate times, don’t you think we need a new mindset and response?

Believe me, I know it doesn’t come naturally, but simply keeping the spirit of calm and reason alive in our minds and souls will get us off to a great start.

And we can grow from there.

Much more information about Chipur and inspirational articles about the origin of this baby. Check the titles.

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