best functional labs for women over 35

I share my opinion on the best functional laboratories for women. Please note that this is not medical advice. If you are curious about testing options, contact your doctor or practitioner to find out the best option for YOU. xo

Hello friends! How are you? I hope you had a wonderful post-Thanksgiving weekend! We traveled back to Tucson from a super fun trip to Arkansas to visit family.

For today’s post, I wanted to share a little about functional lab testing. Functional lab testing has helped me a lot personally and provided invaluable information for my 1:1 clients. Please note that these tests are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or illness. Rather, it is about finding unique information about deficiencies and toxicities within your body. When you have this information, you can create a plan of action to help your body regain balance. You never *have* to take any of these tests, but it’s an amazing way to gather information about your unique body.

Functional laboratory testing has become an invaluable tool for people seeking a deeper understanding of their health. While conventional laboratory tests focus primarily on diagnosing diseases, functional laboratory tests provide information about how the body functions at a cellular and metabolic level. For women over 35 looking to optimize their well-being, certain functional labs can be especially insightful.

The best functional laboratories for women over 35 years of age.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA): A Window to Mineral Balance

One of the key functional tests for women over 35 years of age is the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). This non-invasive test analyzes the mineral content present in the hair, providing a valuable window into nutrient deficiencies and imbalances. As women age, hormonal changes can significantly affect mineral absorption and utilization. Imbalances in minerals like magnesium and zinc, for example, can influence mood, energy levels, and hormonal health.

Understanding your mineral status through HTMA allows for targeted supplementation and dietary adjustments, as well as lifestyle changes. This nuanced approach can have a positive impact on hormonal balance and contribute to overall well-being.

A look at my HTMA. I’ll go over some of this on IG stories today!

Organic acid testing (OAT): unraveling metabolic clues

The organic acid test (OAT) is another powerful functional test that examines organic acids produced by metabolic processes. Provides a complete snapshot of how the body uses nutrients and manages oxidative stress. For women over 35, metabolic changes can have profound effects on energy production and hormonal metabolism. This is a urine test that can be easily performed at home.

Elevated markers on OAT could indicate problems such as inefficient energy production or impaired detoxification pathways. It also provides key information about nutrient deficiencies, candida/bacteria/yeast overgrowth, and neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and serotonin). Addressing these concerns based on OAT knowledge can support metabolism and hormonal balance. This is also very important when looking for root causes related to autoimmune, digestion/bloating, and allergy-related symptoms.

Stress, Mood, and Metabolism: Navigating the Intersection

Stress plays a critical role in hormonal health, especially for women over 35. The stress, mood and metabolism test assesses cortisol levels and the body’s ability to manage stress. Elevated cortisol levels due to chronic stress can upset the delicate balance of reproductive hormones, causing problems such as irregular periods, PMS, fatigue, lack of sleep, and mood swings. This home test consists of sage and a drop of blood.

By assessing stress markers, people can adapt their lifestyle and nutritional strategies to better manage stress. This proactive approach can have a profound impact on hormonal harmony and overall vitality. This test also includes hormonal markers (estradiol, progesterone, pg/e2 ratio, DHEA), blood sugar markers (insulin and hemoglobin A1C), vitamin D, and thyroid markers.

Exploring the pros and cons of functional laboratory testing

While functional laboratory testing offers valuable information, it is essential to understand both its benefits and limitations. One advantage is the ability to identify imbalances before they manifest as overt diseases. This proactive approach aligns with the goal of preventive health.

However, it is essential to recognize that functional laboratory tests are not diagnostic tools. They provide a more holistic understanding of health, but must be interpreted in conjunction with traditional clinical evaluations and laboratory results. It’s also important for your doctor to get to know YOU: your unique challenges, history, lifestyle, stress levels, and any specific concerns and goals.

For women over 35 looking for a proactive approach to health, functional lab testing can be a game-changer. HTMA, OAT, and stress, mood, and metabolism testing offer a personalized roadmap to wellness. By addressing imbalances early and adopting targeted interventions, women can optimize their hormonal health and embark on the path to aging with vitality.

The personalized insights gained from these functional tests allow women to make informed decisions about their health. Taking a holistic approach that combines functional testing with lifestyle adjustments can lead to lasting well-being for all of us navigating the complexities of hormonal changes over time.

If you’re ready to work together 1:1 and explore functional testing options, you can apply here. (Please note this app reflects the 6 month coaching fee.) With my 1:1 clients, we adapt your plan based on your needs. I can create complete fitness plans, calculate macros, help with weight loss resistance, build muscle and also create custom plans based on functional lab results. We can start working in labs from time to time and then start working in the new year!

Please let me know if you have questions!!

hugs and kisses


If you’re curious about getting IHP2 certified so you can learn how to read these functional labs (and many more!) and use them to help yourself and others, check it here. Use code FITNESSISTA for up to $250 off!


Today is Cyber ​​Monday!

Here are some of the blog’s best sellers last week:

These beautiful hand printed earrings

This is the same walking platform that I own and love!

This Spanx outfit. I hope you’re obsessed with it too!

Lots of the same adorable clothes I bought for P recently, including this one. ruffled sweatshirt, velvet t-shirt, pleated corduroy skirt, polka dot t-shirtand Flower dress.

The best Christmas pajamas

The Perfect Stocking Stuffer for Your Husband/Partner Exists

This beautiful bird cafe.

If you are going to buy Uggs for the childrenWaterproof is the way to go.

Sakara: You can still use my link and code XOGINAH for 25% off at Sakara. I’m so glad that many of you took advantage of the best deal of the year. Treat yourself here.

Higher DOSE: If you’ve had your eye on a sauna blanket, PEMF Go Mateither Red light mask, Now is the time! These products have made a huge difference in my mood, my sleep, and my skin. Check it here and use FITNESSISTA20 with a 20% discount.


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