6 Ways To Protect Your Eyes This Summer

Your eyes are one of the most important and delicate parts of your body. That’s why they are more likely to become infected during the summer, leading to a host of problems, some of which can become permanent. Therefore, it is important that you take good care of them. If you have problems with your vision, you should visit an optometrist as soon as possible. Here are 6 ways to protect your eyes:

When was the last time you had an eye exam?

Each season has a different effect on our eyes. Excessive sun exposure is bad for the skin as it can cause skin cancer, premature skin aging, and impair the well-being of your eyesight.

Spending too much time in the sun can affect your eyesight and lead to vision problems later in the form of macular degeneration, cataracts, and eye growths. There may be cases of immediate damage where the cornea is burned, which can be quite painful.

Here are 6 tips to help you protect your eyes this summer:

6 ways to protect your eyes this summer

Protect your eyes this summer (2)

  1. Wash your hands regularly and avoid rubbing your eyes

Regular handwashing is the best way to protect yourself from the spread of infectious diseases. This simple practice is crucial to avoid eye-related diseases such as conjunctivitis and glaucoma. Your eyes are more susceptible to infections after any type of eye surgery. Experts suggest washing your hands thoroughly before and after applying treatment to your eyes. Avoid rubbing your eyes.

  1. Wear UV protection goggles when swimming

Swimming without glasses is harmful to your eyes as it removes the protective layer that keeps bacteria away and also lubricates your eyes. This causes your eyes to become dry and irritated, opening them up to many possibilities of infection and causing blurred vision.

Therefore, swimming after Lasik eye surgery requires that you do not submerge your head underwater to increase protection against infection and allow the reshaped corneal tissue to heal well and be free of infection due to the laser operation. Keeping your eyes chlorine-free for 14 days also reduces the chances of suffering from unnecessary dry eyes and minimizes the risk of eye infections.

Lasik eye surgery provides clear vision of the streets to swimmers in the pool as they cannot wear contact lenses which also improves their ability to swim. The high cost of prescription glasses is also eliminated.

Chlorine is designed to protect you from exposure to germs, but a 2008 study reveals that regular exposure to chlorine has a negative impact on your eyes and vision.

  1. Your diet affects your vision

Your diet affects your vision.

You are more likely to become dehydrated during the summer, which can affect your eyes. Severe dehydration makes it difficult for the body to produce tears, causing dry eye symptoms and other vision-related problems. Drinking plenty of water improves your overall health and provides enough fluid for your eyes to function normally. In addition to staying hydrated, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, but also low in saturated fat and sugar. Consume adequate amounts of zinc and selenium and some fatty acids from fish to keep your vision sharp. Adding certain nutrients to your daily diet through the foods you eat will help preserve your vision.

  1. Keep your children safe and protect their eyes

A child’s eye lenses do not filter ultraviolet lights as effectively as an adult’s, which means that children suffer eye injuries much more easily than adults.

Most of you will realize that you should have protected your eyes in your youth. However, it is never too late to start with your children. 80% of anyone’s UV radiation exposure occurs before they turn eighteen. Apply sunscreen regularly, especially on your child’s face. Pair it with a comfortable hat and sunglasses and your child will be protected.

  1. Better vision thanks to sleep

In today’s world, getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done due to your hectic lifestyle. When you feel tired, your eyes become dry, increasing your exposure to irritants and illness. If you your eyelids hurt when you blink, could be a sign of underlying problems such as blepharitis, dry eye syndrome, or astigmatism. Consider seeing an eye doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. Resting your eyes, using artificial tears, and getting enough sleep can help relieve discomfort and promote better eye health.

  1. Visit an eye care professional to preserve your vision

You should visit a professional trained and specialized in taking care of the health of your eyes. Have your eyes checked and examined regularly to keep them in good health. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about your eyes and always get an eye exam.

If you don’t have any vision problems in your 20s and 30s, visit an ophthalmologist every 5 to 10 years.

Every 2-4 years between the ages of 40 and 65.

Every 1 to 2 years after age 65.

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