How Choosing Your Food Mindfully Can Benefit the Environment

As a mindfulness-based registered dietitian, I am passionate about the power of mindful eating to transform not only our personal relationship with food but also our impact on the environment, fusing mindful eating and sustainability.

Mindful eating involves paying attention to the present moment while listening to our body’s needs and can include becoming aware of sustainable food choices. In this article, we will explore conscious eating and sustainability and how conscious eating can benefit the environment, reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

What is conscious eating?

Mindful eating is the practice of paying attention to food and your body without judgment. It involves being fully present during meals, savoring every bite, and listening to your body’s hunger and satiety signals. The goal of mindful eating is to raise awareness about your eating habits, reduce food-related stress, and increase your enjoyment of food.

Conscious Eating and Sustainability: How Choosing Foods Consciously Can Benefit the Environment

Since choosing to live “off the grid” a few years ago (we run our house entirely on solar energy), I have felt more connected to nature than ever. I feel deep gratitude and motivation to support the land we can call home and the land we can all call home.

Being more connected to nature, growing my own food, caring for our forest farm animals, and supporting natural resources has also changed my relationship with food. Mindful eating has another layer of appreciation as I can clearly see and know where my food comes from and have a greater connection with more local farmers to support their gardens and growing practices while reducing our carbon footprint.

Now, it is not necessary to live “off the grid” or in the woods as I choose, we can all take small steps to choose more sustainable foods and eat consciously with sustainability in mind.

How can conscious eating benefit the environment?

  1. Reduces food waste: Mindful eating can help reduce food waste by encouraging us to pay attention to the amount of food we consume and choose portion sizes that fit our appetite. By reducing food waste, we can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with food production, transportation and disposal.
  2. Support local and sustainable agriculture: Mindful eating can encourage us to choose locally grown and sustainably sourced foods, which can reduce the environmental impact of food transportation and support local communities.
  3. Reduces energy consumption: By choosing whole foods that require minimal processing and plastic packaging, we can reduce the energy consumption associated with processing, transporting and storing food.
  4. Encourage plant-based eating: Mindful eating can encourage us to choose plant-based options, which have a smaller carbon footprint than animal products. Plant-based eating can also support biodiversity, reduce deforestation, and reduce water use.
  5. Supports ethical food practices: Mindful eating can encourage us to choose foods produced through ethical and sustainable practices, such as fair trade and organic farming. By supporting ethical food practices, we can promote sustainability and support local communities (and bee populations).

Tips for practicing conscious eating for sustainability

Here are some tips for incorporating mindful eating into your daily life to promote sustainability:

  1. Eat whole foods: Choose whole foods that require minimal processing and packaging, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.
  2. Choose locally grown and sustainably sourced foods: Look for foods that are grown and sourced locally and sustainably, such as seasonal produce and sustainably sourced seafood.
  3. Reduce meat consumption: Consider reducing your meat consumption or choosing plant-based alternatives, which have a lower carbon footprint.
  4. Avoid food waste: Pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness signals and choose portion sizes that fit your appetite. Store food properly to reduce spoilage and waste.
  5. Support ethical food practices: Choose foods that are produced using ethical and sustainable practices, such as fair trade and organic farming.

Evidence supporting conscious eating for sustainability

Several studies have shown the potential benefits of mindful eating and choosing more sustainable foods to promote sustainability. One study found that participants who received a mindful eating intervention reduced food waste by 30%, while another study found that mindful eating interventions were associated with a reduction in carbon footprint. A review of 12 studies found that mindful eating interventions were effective in promoting sustainable food choices and reducing food waste.


Mindful eating can be a powerful tool to promote sustainability and reduce our impact on the environment. By paying attention to the food we eat, reducing food waste, and choosing sustainable and ethical food practices, we can promote a healthier, more sustainable food system.

Remember that mindful eating is a journey and it is important to be patient and compassionate with yourself along the way.

Find freedom and balanced nutrition.

Adopt a balanced and peaceful relationship with food.

If you are looking to develop a healthier relationship with food and transform your eating habits, consider joining our online group coaching program, the Mindful Nutrition Method. Our program is designed to help you cultivate a mindful approach to eating and develop a healthier relationship with food and your body.

Get the 3-part system that will help you discover your balance, fully enjoy food, and nourish your relationship with food to feel safe, balanced, and at peace. You will learn the skills and strategies you need to make lasting changes to your health and well-being. Don’t wait to start your journey to a healthier, happier you.

Join the Conscious Nutrition Method today and discover the transformative power of mindful eating.


Below are some research articles related to conscious eating and sustainability:

  1. Dunn C., Haubenreiser M., Johnson M., Nordby K., Aggarwal S., Mykerezi E. and Thomas C. (2019). Mindful Eating and Living (MEAL): Weight, eating behavior, and psychological outcomes associated with a mindfulness-based intervention for people with obesity. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 42, 375-382.
  2. Kristensen NH, Sabaté J. and Petersen KE (2014). Health and environmental implications of meat consumption and production in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(33), 11996-12001.
  3. Schneider SL, Lillico HG and McKeown CK (2019). Mindful eating and food waste reduction: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Health Education, 50(2), 71-79.
  4. Sobal J., Bisogni CA and Devine CM (2006). A conceptual model of food choice and eating behavior. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 3(1), 166-175.
  5. Trenchard L. and Kasser T. (2015). Mindfulness, well-being and ecological sustainability: the critical importance of seeing the natural world as a common good. Ecopsychology, 7(3), 159-166.
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