Runs for Cookies: Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 122

I feel as good as I look in this photo, haha. I just showered and put on my pajamas and it’s not even 5:00 pm. For about a week now I’ve been feeling like I’m getting sick; It started with a constant headache, then a sore throat, and now a cough. I just wish that if I was getting sick, it would happen already! I took a COVID test, which was negative, and my symptoms haven’t been bad at all. Really annoying, especially the headache.

Anyway, I actually decided not to weigh myself this week. I’ve only skipped a few times in the past few years, but I really didn’t want to get on the scale today. When Jerry gets sick, he loses between 6 and 8 pounds because he loses his appetite. When I get sick, especially if I have a sore throat, I eat too much!

Although I haven’t been eating all kinds of junk food or anything like that. I have been eating my usual food, but in excess. It may not have affected my weight much, but I woke up feeling bloated and a little unwell, so I’m skipping my weekly weigh-in.

However, as I’ve told myself in the past, I won’t skip two weeks in a row. That’s when I know I’m going off course! So no matter how I feel next week, I’ll do my accountability weigh-in on Wednesday.

Next week will be a good indicator of how well I can handle moments like this in maintenance. There will always be times when I eat too much or the “wrong” foods, and to be successful at maintenance, I will have to learn to deal with that.

A question I get asked frequently is how can I get back on track after weight gain or just a bad week, month, or even year. I honestly don’t have an answer for that! I wish I had. I know the more time passes, the harder it is to get back on track, so I’ll keep that in mind this week.

Something that always helps is staying very busy. Since I’ve been sick (my headache is the worst), I haven’t been very active during the day. So hopefully once I feel a little better I can get back to normal!

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